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Prices for the ski school

Group courses

DurationAlpineSnowboardCross-country skiing
1 day (2,5 hours)65,- €75,- €65,- €
2 days125,- €145,- €125,- €
3 days180,- €210,- €180,- €
each additional day55,- €65,- €55,- €

Course times (2.5-hour course): 10:00 - 12:30 h//if there is sufficient demand, also 13:00 - 15:30 h

Minimum number of participants: 4 persons

Request group course

Private courses per hour

Number of personsAlpinesnowboardCross-country skiing
170,- €70,- €70,- €
285,- €85,- €85,- €
3100,- €100,- €100,- €
each additional person15,- €15,- €15,- €

Private course request

Our terms & conditions apply.